Learning! It's what we do best. That, and have fun, discover, laugh, play, make friends, set goals, reach for the stars and generally just get on with the business of being fabulous every day.
We have been learning about inspirational kiwis here in Room 18. We have been really taken with the story of John Britten, the man who built a superbike with his mates in his backyard and took on the world's fastest at Daytona in 1993. Check out our storyboards we made using Comic Life.
Nice work Mary, Manav and Jackson!
Term 2 is underway already and Room 18 are busy learning all about this beautiful country we live in. We began our Aotearoa adventures this week by starting to use atlases and the internet to find out about the geography of our country. Can you answer these questions?
What is the name of New Zealand's biggest lake?
What is the strait of water between the South Island and Stewart Island called?
What is the name of the National Park in the southwest of the South Island?
Who was the first European to visit New Zealand?
When was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?
What is the largest city in New Zealand?
What is the northernmost point of the North Island?
Who is the current Deputy Prime Minister?
Where and when were the last Commonwealth Games held in New Zealand?
What was the first, second and third capital city of New Zealand?
We are feeling pretty please with ourselves because now we can all tell you the answer to these questions.
We are looking forward to discovering more about New Zealand in the next few weeks.