Thursday, September 22, 2016

KOS in Rm18

This explanation is about keeping ourselves safe. I will tell you about KOS in Rm 18.

KOS is a programme in keeping ourselves safe. We learn about techniques to keep ourselves safe.  

We learnt how to walk tall when we are close to someone who might hurt you. When you walk tall you need to put your shoulders back and sometimes have eye contact with people. 
We also learnt about what to do when someone is abusing you. When someone is abusing you should use STAR which means Stop, Think, Act and Report. There are different types of abuse such as family violence, sexual abuse, neglect, cyber abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse.

Rm 18 also learnt about tricks, secrets and bribes. Our teacher gave us some scenarios and we had to say if it was a trick, a secret or a bribe. 

For example, if someone said ‘I lost my cute little kitty can you help me find it?’ and you say yes that person might take you away and do something weird to you. That is a trick. Remember to ask your parents first. 

If someone asks you ‘Can I have a picture of you naked? I’ll give you an iPad’ say no and tell an adult straight away. That is a bribe. 

If mum came home with a black eye and she said ‘Don’t tell anyone dad punched me in the eye this is just a family secret’. That is a secret.

Thank you for reading our explanation about KOS. We hope you learnt how to be safe.

Yzabelle and Baani

Sport in Term 3 @ PCS


In my opinion you should join up to the rugby option.

If  you are good at rugby you can play for your school and then play against other schools.

During rugby option, we tackled the tacklebag


At Rippa Rugby zones, we played 5 teams but in total there were 8 teams.
From our class Kace, Areya and Lotosina competed.

We played really well against Puhinui. We beat them by 3 points.

Overall, we came fourth out of seven teams.

Cross Country

Earlier in the term, we had our school cross country and if you came in the first 10, then you qualified for zones.

When we went to cross country zones it was a 2km run. It was at Puhinui Reserve.

It was very steep and muddy. Some people got stuck in the mud.

Our 10 yr old boys came 1st and Kimora came 3rd in the 9yr old girls.

In our class  Areya and Manveer went to Zones. Areya came in 45th!

Areya thought it was very hard but still fun.


On the 20th September 2016, we went to GYMCITY for Gymnastics. The stuff that we were doing was the mat routine, the bar and the vault.

The results were:

Year 4

Zion - Floor 4th, Beam 4th and Overall placing 4th
Kace - Floor 4th

Year 5
Keira - Floor 1st, Beam 2nd and Overall placing 1st
Zeddah - Bar 4th

Year 6
Amber- Floor 2nd, Beam 3rd, Vault 3rd and Overall placing 1st equal
Latishna- Beam 1st

Kace thought it was hard but it was amazing.

- Kace and Areya

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Piwakawaka Team Learner Agency

In Learner Agency you get to do fun activities like BFG Word Challenges, Hip Hop Dance, Te Rakau, BFG Drama, Ukulele, BFG Dream Mixing, Growth Mindset, Hip Hop Dancing and more.

Learner Agency is good/fun etc because we get to have some fun time and we get to learn cool and interesting stuff.

First, you have to sign up by going to your gmail and you will get a message from your teacher. It will be a form and you will have to fill it in with what day you want to go to each activities. But you can’t do two on the same day or it will not let you submit.

Then you go to your Workshops for half an hour in the afternoon and you have to recheck the spreadsheet to make sure you don’t go to the wrong class.   

This term we did two Learner Agency Workshops because the Year 4s were reading a book called The BFG. We also changed because the teachers thought it was a good idea that we change.
We really like Learner Agency because we get to do fun and exciting activities.

Workshop 3:
  • Ukulele
  • Hip Hop Dance
  • Te Rakau
  • Growth Mindset

Workshop 4:
  • BFG Word Challenges
  • BFG Dream Mixing
  • BFG Drama
  • BFG Character Descriptions

In Workshop 3 we did Hip Hop Dance.  At Hip Hop Dance, Mrs Prasad puts on hip hop music with people dancing so we can dance easily by looking at them.

We also went to Mr Cowan for Te Rakau and we learned how to defend ourselves with Maori weapons.

Mr Curry did ukulele. When we went to ukelele we learned how to play the ukulele and play Singing In The Rain.  

Miss Rands-Trevor did growth mindset. Miss Rands-Trevor taught us things we did not know about how we learn. She told us that when we fail at some we get a new neuron in our brain so making a mistake is actually good.

In Workshop 3, all of the activities were around our year group Read Aloud, The BFG.

We really like Learner Agency because we get to do fun and exciting activities.

Thank you for  reading our description of Learner Agency.

  • Manveer and Aarav

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Maths Learning in Rm 18

This term in maths we were learning how to do long division and multiplication. 

We use the Prime course books and practice books on the carpet. 

In our learning teams we are good at helping each other.
We are good at sharing ideas and giving ideas.


We also do Prime practice books in our learning teams.

We do Mathletics on the COWs and on the iPads.

Every day, we do a warm ups with times tables and other maths questions.

 We are getting better at…...Maths  

By Samson and Ayush

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Reading Challenge 2016

Today we will be telling you about the PCS Reading Challenge of 2016.

In Rm18, Lotosina, Naman, Detroit and Praveen completed. Lots of children have been trying to get all of the boxes signed off.

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Sadly, the Reading Challenge finished in August. In the last week of the Reading Challenge, that week it was the Year 4 assembly and Aleluia, Ngaia and Detroit won a book for effort in the Reading Challenge.

Sep 21, 2016 12:01:17 PM.jpg

Naman read Red Rattlers, Tortoise, Torty the Tortoise, Where Wild Things Are, Small Black Magazine, Mike the Spike, Winnie the Pooh, The Sky is Falling, Open Season, The Tigger Story, Mr McGee and the Big Bag of Bread, The Jungle Book, Shrek Forever After, Never Give Up, Beauty and the Beast, Blackie the Fisher Cat, India the People and About Bees.

This is Naman’s Reading  Challenge. You can tell it is finished because it has a green line on it.

There was a prizegiving at Singing Assembly. There were Y6, Y5, Y4, Y3, Y2 and Y1 winners. 

This is Lotosina's prize
Lotosina was the overall winner for Rm18. There was a special prize for a student who has been reading the most books in the school his name was Luka in year 3. He read 128 books in 4 weeks.

- Lotosina and Mubashir

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Finding ways to move forward - tricky word to spell? Get a word card.

  • Never Give Up
  • Why is Determination important ?
  • Growth Mindsets

This explanation is about Determination. Rm 18 have been learning about what determination means.

Never Give Up
Never give up even if it’s hard to do it. Try your best when you think it’s too hard to do it. Don’t let anyone say to you give up. Don’t just give up so easily.

The boys are writing about their learning this term
Why is Determination important?
Determination is important because it is a motivation to getting your task done. It also helps you with succeeding with things. Determination helps with all sorts of things.

Ngaia is giving Laksh feedback on his Maths
Growth Mindsets
Growth Mindset is also connected to Determination. If you have a growth mindset that means you are determined to reach your goals.

Determined people
These are the people who are showing Determination.They are determined to finish their work. They are determined to help their buddy of the week. One buddy helps the other buddy to get the information onto the COW. 

Naman and Ishan are determined to learn English
So that was our explanation. We hope you now know why Determination is important.

Ayushi and Aleluia

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Journalistic Writing - Articles


We have been learning how to write newspaper articles. Newspaper articles give you information about what’s going on in the country and the world.

Newspaper articles are very important because then you know what is happening.

We wrote an article about the 2016 Olympics Opening Ceremony in Rio and about Olympic values.

How to write an article
We chose to write about the story of Nikki Hamblin and Abby d'Agostino

  • Firstly chose a topic that is in real life.


  • Next make a plan that suits your topic sort of like a brainstorm.

  • Now write your introduction

    A kiwi and US athlete have been commended for showing Olympic spirit after they stopped to help each other up after falling at the same time midway through their the 5000m race.

  • Use the plan to help you with your (newspaper) article.

Namrata's published news article
- Vinshi and Layman

Monday, July 11, 2016