Monday, May 11, 2015

Fitness Fun Day

Wow, I don't know what they were worried about! The sun came out in bucket loads for the Y6s and their fundraiser the Fitness Fun Day.

Room 18 went out with the rest of the middle school after Break One. We had a fab time going from station to station with the very helpful Y6 children at each telling us what the activity was.

Our Highlight: The children loved the obstacle course where they had to do a sack race, quickly put on a netball bib, throw and catch a ball and do the hula hoop faster than their opponent.

Watching their teammates

Keira getting ready for her turn

Neck and neck

Cheering on their House

A beautiful day!

It's harder than it looks

Lotosina shows us her ball skills

   Second activity was shooting goals into the football net.  Turns out we have few children with some skills in this area

Too fast for the goalkeeper

Double attack

Listening to the Y5s explain the activity
All in all, another fun event at PCS. Thanks Y6 for your great organisation and your creative ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your support Room 18.
    From Mr R. and Room 25 students.
