Washing, grating, opening, peeling, chopping, rolling, melting, boiling, frying, grilling, roasting, steaming….
Children are asked to help prepare a family meal this week instead of written homework.
- You can chose which day to cook and you have until next Monday before we will talk about it at school.
- You can choose what to cook and how easy or complicated the meal will be.
- You can use a recipe or learn a family favourite dish.

Benefits of getting children involved with cooking include:
- Using maths skills like measuring, weighing and timing
- Discovering about balanced diets and healthy foods
- Developing life skills
- Learning about safety with appliances and equipment
- Wash your hands,
- Listen to the grown up in charge
- Ask questions
- Pay attention
Optional: email Miss Rands-Trevor a photo of your meal or leave a comment below
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